”We use 100 million barrels of oil every day. There are no rules to keep that oil in the ground. There are no rules to shut down coal powerplants like Moorburg. So we can’t save the world by playing by the rules. The rules have to be changed. All has to change. #ClimateStrike. ”
…Säger 15-åriga Greta Thunberg, vars skolstrejk för klimatet fått en enorm medial uppmärksamhet, och fört henne ut på en internationell turné:
Week 7 Day 19 Date 5/10
Countries 5, Locations 17, People 176
Spain .. (1,)
UK: Manchester … (1,)
Finland: Helsinki 20 (35, 100) people
Netherlands: Utrecht, Zeist 0 (5,3,2) all went to The Hague
The Hague 20 (15, 20, ,,100,,)
Rotterdam 1 (1,1)
Germany, Berlin 10 (2)
Leipzig … (2)
Italy, Rome .. (2)
Australia: Brisbane, 1 (10KN + 1 (Loc 2), 1+ 10 The greencollective revolution (Loc 2))
Sweden: Falun … (2,1)
Malmö/Lund 30 (0, ,,)
Göreborg, Adolf Fredrick torg 11 (9,,,)
Uppsala 7 (3) Location 2
Vimmerby 5 (3, 1)
Simrishamn 5
Örebro 26 (8,,,,)
Luleå 10 +1 pet (2)
Umeå 3 (4)
Nacka … (20)
Gotland, Visby … (2,3)
Västervik … (5)
Karlstad 3
Blekinge 1
Other 1 train (1 zip + 1 train + 1)
Stockholm, Mynttorget 50 (50+1 school class Södra folkhög skola)
Norway … (0,0,0,1000)
(Brackets = previous weeks, Loc = Location)