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Become a Climate Inspirer! Online course.
11 feb, 2021 19:00 - 25 feb, 2021 20:30
150sekA course for you who wants to learn more about the climate crisis and get tools to increase your commitment.
3 week course: 11/2, 18/2 and 25/2 19-20.30
Do you want to talk to people about global warming and what we can do about it? Do you want to inspire others to get involved in a sustainable transition – in the small and in the big? You do not have to be an expert to show the way. The most important thing is your commitment. With this training, you get a basis for talking about the climate crisis and becoming an inspiration for change.
The material and working method can be used in meetings about the Greta film, with good friends or close relatives, in a lecture at the local library, at the workplace, or in a study circle.
The course contains 3 parts:
The basics of climate science and climate policy
You do not have to be an expert to talk about climate. But since the question is often perceived as complicated and diffused, it can be good to have some simple and clear facts to convey.
Climate psychology and pedagogy
Why do so many people find it so difficult to absorb and deal with these issues? Why is it so difficult to talk to certain people about the climate and what can be done to get people involved?
What can we do as individuals and together?
What do we think a sustainable society looks like and how do we get there? What different forums and methods do we have to influence? We set personal goals and identify the next step to get there.
Participation fee SEK 150. Pay to Bankgiro 286-2423, or SWISH 1235124094 by 8th of Feb.
If a Swedish account is difficult, then please pay euro 15 to:
Language: English
Course leader: Janine OKeeffe
Min 10 and max 16 participants.
The course is held in collaboration with ABF and with support from the Swedish Postcode Foundation.